The Homelessness Reduction Bill could stop homeless people getting turned away when they ask their councils for help…but only if enough MPs support it.
On 19th Octoer, less than two weeks before MPs are due to debate this crucial bill, Crisis are holding a mass lobby in Westminster. People from around the country will arrange to meet their MPs on the same day about this issue. It is important that as many people as possible come to meet their MP face-to-face and persuade them to change the law on homelessness. Advice and support will be provided.
How can you get involved?
If you are interested in taking part in the Mass Lobby, you can find out more on the Crisis website.
If you can’t be there on the day but you want to add your voice, support the ‘No-one turned away’ campaign.
More details of the Homelessness Reduction Bill can be found on the Homeless Link website.