“This piece was inspired by a trip to Manchester with the ever growing Homeless population. The way the general public engaged with, respected and accepted homeless people as part of Manchester and how Manchester had adapted and embraced ALL its population regardless of whether they lived on the streets or had a roof to sleep under. Everyone was a piece of the whole the whole city. It was also created as a reaction and my disgust at reading about and seeing in certain cities, benches with arm rests through the middle and shelters with spikes to prevent the homeless from resting there. ‘Organised Kindness’ was born from an idea that in my ideal world the people without homes would float above the spikes and don’t need the benches as they could rise above the ugly surface of humanity and rest their bodies and minds in the freedom of gravity peacefully and with all the dignity they deserve”.
Bridget Adams (wisepeopleart)
The artist Bridget contacted Street Support just before Christmas. We were inspired by the piece and the thinking behind it. This piece entitled Organised Kindness won the Royal Glasgow Insitute of the Fine Arts and is one of 25 prints kindly donated to Street Support and the City of Manchester. It is now installed in The Nook at Nexus Art Cafe on Dale Street.
Bridget continues
“The figure in the lower panel represents the heart of humanity in all its goodness, fertilising, reinvigorating and triumphing over the roots of decay, ignorance, fear and meanness of spirit, all of which are born from unhappy, un-nurtured lives and experiences”.
Street Support would like to thank Bridget for this very kind donation. Please take the time to go and view it. It is extraordinary. Further examples of Bridget’s work can be seen on her website: wisepeopleart.com