Private Rented Sector Eviction Prevention

On Thursday 12th November, 65 people ranging from frontline staff, GMCA officers, elected officials and reps from communities of identity attended and participated in the Private Rented Sector Eviction Prevention Event. The Event had been organised to raise awareness of the current ‘risk of homelessness’ threat in Greater Manchester amongst frontline teams working in the community and give them the confidence to identify and refer people to the most appropriate support and advice if they have rent payment/eviction concerns. 

The Mayor of Salford, Paul Dennett opened the event and welcomed the opportunity for partners to come together around this challenge and for everyone to be better informed. Colleagues from Manchester and Oldham talked through some recent case studies that highlighted best practice and Jack Gould from GM Health and Social Care Partnership presented an overview of the Mental Health Support Tools that are available for individuals and colleagues across Greater Manchester.

Colleagues participated in one of three breakout sessions on Local Authority Prevention, Integrated Neighbourhood Working and the Legal Process from start to finish. These generated some great discussions and debates to inform how we continue to support colleagues on the frontline to proactively assist those individuals and families in need of the right information at the right time. The key take-aways for each break out session were:

 LA Prevention

  • Improving work with early help services so they know how to handle these issues and where to go for specialist support
  • Reaching people who do not typically seek council support 
  • Working with Duty to Refer partners to look ahead of 56 days where possible
  • Making use of LHA+ funding 

 Integrated neighbourhood work 

  • Ensuring we proactively engage tenants in the Private Sector to offer support and advice.
  • Streamline and improve the dissemination of information/communications to reach all stakeholders to effectively support tenants
  • Focus on the wider determinants through lobbying 
  • Developing a workforce resilience model to support those colleagues working in frontline services

  Legal process 

  • Ensuring people have the knowledge to hand on the frontline – active briefings 
  • Reaching people who find it hard to access support, targeted outreach and communications 
  • Building capacity in organisations such as Shelter, CAB, Law Centre to be able to meet demand (24,000 people in rent arrears) 

You can access PRS Event Master Slide Pack here and watch the event’s recording here

We appreciated all the comments and feedback we received and this is what one of the participants said about the event:

‘Just wanted to say a huge thank you for today, great event. Thank you all and your team for all the support and guidance you provide, it is really appreciated’ Chris Hulse

For more information about the event and all matters related to PRS, please contact Elaine Morgan at