GM Homelessness Prevention Strategy Consultation Events – June 2021

Join us between 10th June – 18th June for your opportunity to be part of GMHAN consultation events on the latest draft of the Greater Manchester Homelessness Prevention Strategy. Book your place for our consultation sessions using this link.

Tackling homelessness and rough sleeping is a key priority for GMCA and organisations across Greater Manchester as well as GMHAN Network.

These sessions will focus on HousingTransitions, Participation & Involvement, People & EqualitiesPartnerships and Person-Centred Approaches and where they each sit in the strategy’s objectives which are set out as:

  • Everyone is able to sustain a home that is safe, decent, and affordable
  • Everyone leaves our places of care (care, health facility, prison, asylum) with a safe place to go
  • Where people are at imminent risk of homelessness they are able to access quality advice, advocacy, and support
  • No one is forced to sleep rough and temporary accommodation supports respite, recovery and re-connection
  • Homelessness is not an entrenched or repeat experience

The aim is to embed prevention as a systematic approach through all Greater Manchester services with a specific focus on the stages at which people may be at risk of homelessness or repeat homelessness.

The Homelessness Prevention Strategy sets out the steps Greater Manchester needs to take over the next five years to help tackle homelessness and rough sleeping in Greater Manchester.

You can read the latest strategy draft here: GM Homelessness Prevention Strategy and book your place for our consultation sessions using this link.