Featured organisation: Derbyshire Outreach Team (P3)

The Derbyshire Outreach Team (DOT) is the commissioned homelessness street outreach service for Derbyshire and Staffordshire Moorlands and is delivered by P3 charity.

The team team go out in the early hours of the morning responding to new referrals, as well as visiting known rough sleeping sites, in order to make contact with people who are sleeping on the streets of Derbyshire.

The aim of the service is to break down barriers and build relationships with people. This then enables the team to understand the reasons why a person ended up on the streets in the first place and ensures that they offer a route away from homelessness that will bring about lasting change.

To do this, DOT works in partnership with multiple organisations, enabling people to access the support services they need and realise their potential. This includes helping people to access drug and alcohol services, stable and safe accommodation and physical and mental health services. The team is also able, where appropriate, to help people to return to their home towns – both within the UK or abroad.

For more information about this invaluable service, including how to make a referral if you have seen somebody sleeping rough, please visit https://www.p3charity.org/services/derbyshire-street-outreach.