Hi all See below for key information and updates from GMHAN including workstream leads, co-designing the next phases of our response, donations distribution process, and news from people working with families, women and people living in B&Bs. Covid response workstreams The current situation has called for the homelessness sector to organise in an emerging way […]
GMHAN Updates 15/04/20
Open Space, donation distribution update, and locality helpline information GMHAN Open Space call reminder A reminder that we are hosting a GMHAN open space zoom 3-4pm today to hear and discuss any key issues and decisions emerging. We would like input from different perspectives and areas, to ensure processes and decisions made work for all, so […]
“The fund helped me during the worst time… “
Migrant Destitution Fund GM COVID-19 does not distinguish between citizens and non-citizens. It hits the most vulnerable in our society hardest, and destitute migrants with nowhere to live, no right to work and no ability to get state support are in a hugely precarious situation right now. Many groups are calling on the Government to […]
GMHAN Updates 06/04/20
Hello everyone, We are amazed how much work and collaboration has happened in the last few weeks – we’ve seen the benefits of our existing partnerships and relationships across Greater Manchester and are thankful to everyone who has contributed. As new services and processes are establishing, it seems a good time to check back in […]
GMHAN Updates 02/04/20
Hi everyone, We hope you are all safe and staying well under the current circumstances. We appreciate that the strain on you, as well as the people you serve, is unprecedented – thank you again for your continued work under these conditions. There has been progress on trying to meet immediate needs around food, support […]
HOMELESSNESS SERVICES INFO & UPDATES We hope you are all safe and staying well under the current circumstances. We appreciate that the strain on you, as well as the people you serve, is unprecedented – thank you again for your continued work under these conditions. There has been progress on trying to meet immediate needs […]
Please find links to covid-19 funding support for charities. This is a live document. Please let us know if you hear of any other funding/support sources we can add to this list. Apologies in advance for any duplication. REGIONAL Salford Crisis Fund – COVID-19 https://www.salfordcvs.co.uk/live-grants A responsive fund offering VCSE organisations grants of up to […]
GMHAN Updates 27/03/20
Please cascade the following essential information from GMCA into your network. You can signup for future GMHAN updates here. Yesterday, Government released their ‘Everybody In’ directive. This came with a clear message: It’s important for the welfare of both homeless people and staff or volunteers that all communal night-shelters and any street encampments are closed down for the […]
At this difficult time, local councils have been required to alter the access to support and services for people who find themselves homeless. Please find below details on how to contact your local council should you be homeless. OLDHAM The office is closed. If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness please phone 0161 770 […]
GMHAN Covid Update from GMCA 26/03/2020
Please see below an update from Molly Bishop at GMCA following yesterday’s announcements. Further updates to follow from GMHAN… Yesterday, a Greater Manchester Homelessness Covid-19 Response Strategy was agreed by the Greater Manchester Covid-19 Emergency Committee. This details our immediate response for Group A, who are deemed to be most at risk. Group A are: Currently […]