A very exciting day as the Two Saints Day Centre which supports and houses homeless people in the city by offering shelter, clothing, and medical care, has unveil their new kitchen. We are so excited for all the people this new kitchen will help care for. Read more on this article by the Daily Echo.
Two Saints Day Centre: Homeless hub unveils new kitchen
Service of Commemoration
This November, a non-denominational Commemoration Service is being held at Saint Mary’s Church, to remember those who have died while homeless since 2020. Their names will be read out to a congregation largely made up of people who are experiencing or have experienced homelessness, or work closely with people facing homelessness in Southampton. This year’s service […]
Homelessness – a personal perspective

By Jo Ash CEO of Southampton Voluntary Services (SVS) As I step down as CEO of SVS I was asked by the Street Support Action Group with which I have worked since its inception to write some personal words about why housing and homelessness issues are of such importance to me. Undoubtedly my interest has […]
Change the way you give

Homelessness is something we wouldn’t wish on anyone. People in Southampton who are homeless and on the street are often wet and freezing cold and very vulnerable. They are at risk of verbal and physical abuse and have increased health risks. They are a very diverse group and are there for a variety of different […]

See below for key information and updates from GMHAN including workstream leads, co-designing the next phases of our response, donations distribution process, and news from people working with families, women and people living in B&Bs. Covid response workstreams The current situation has called for the homelessness sector to organise in an emerging way to respond […]

At this difficult time, local councils have been required to alter the access to support and services for people who find themselves homeless. Please find below details on how to contact your local council should you be homeless. OLDHAM The office is closed. If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness please phone 0161 770 […]
#LockedOut: How Britain Keeps People Homeless

The Bureau Local; a network of people around the UK reporting on issues that affect people’s day-to-day lives launched an investigation into the barriers that stop people from being able to get into housing. The investigation revealed that landmark homelessness legislation is failing, leaving people across the country trapped in homelessness no matter what they […]
Will’s Story

When he was 16 years old, Will came to Nightstop seeking support after being left with no choice but to leave home. After a short period of staying with our volunteer hosts he was able to move into supported accommodation where he stayed for 2.5 years. Feeling confident and in control Will moved back to […]
#HealthNow – Creating a foundation for moving out of homelessness

Guest blog by Becky Evans, Groundswell Development Manager. Is your Network interested in Homeless Health? If so, please take a moment to read this article to learn more about the topic. Homelessness and Health Inequalities The level of recent media attention on homelessness and early preventable deaths will have not escaped many people. The reality […]
Have your say on Reading’s homelessness strategy

Reading Borough Council’s Homelessness Strategy Consultation is now live! Reading Borough Council is looking for your views on proposed priorities for their next Homelessness Strategy. Your feedback will shape and inform the approach and strategic direction regarding homelessness in the town over the next five years. Reading Borough Council’s existing Homelessness Strategy is not due for […]