Legislative Theatre

Greater Manchester Legislative Theatre Update

Greater Manchester Homelessness Action Network (GMHAN) has co-produced GM Homelessness Prevention Strategy in 2020 and beyond, using a creative and participatory policy-making strategy called Legislative Theatre. This community-led process is the result of a collaborative effort by the GMHAN, Street Support Network (leading on comms) and funded and co-designed by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s […]

Policy proposals from the Legislative Theatre Funding & Commissioning event on 9th Dec

On Wednesday 9th December, we hosted #GMLegislativeTheatre event on Funding & Commissioning. We explored some structural barriers and ideas when it comes to funding.            Thank you for all your comments and engagement on social media. You can check them out #GMlegislativetheatre, and also see some of the reflection from our […]

GMHAN Legislative Theatre – Funding and Commissioning

With one week to go till the second event in the GM Legislative Theatre / Homelessness Prevention Strategy process, the facilitation team is working hard and staying flexible, as we’ve all had to do throughout 2020. In the beginning of November, we set out to create a second play with a new cast of GM […]

Introducing GM Legislative Theatre – meet the team

Creative policy change on homelessness with GMHAN and GMCA. Greater Manchester Homelessness Action Network (GMHAN) is thrilled to announce that the upcoming GM Homelessness Prevention Strategy will be co-produced in 2020 and beyond, using a creative and participatory policy-making strategy called Legislative Theatre. This community-led process is the result of a collaborative effort by the […]