I Feel Part of Society – Simon Community Scotland

Our Street Support partner, Simon Community Scotland is becoming synonymous with Digital Inclusion. 

Through their most recent Get Connected project, 500 people accessing homelessness services were connected to the digital world through the Get Connected model.

The results from this are presented in this smashing report, ‘I Feel Part of Society’ – its name taken from a direct quote from someone the project helped. 

The report is beautifully designed, innovative, and human to its core. It documents the journey Simon Community Scotland have been on to help hundreds of people out of digital exclusion. It’s literally life-changing. 

Download the ‘I feel part of society’ Report.

Download the ‘I feel part of society’ Executive Summary.

And, if like us, you still want to learn more, check out this series of short podcasts around the release of their ‘I Feel Part Of Society’ report.