418 people helped with Big Change fund

As at the end of August 2017, here are the headlines for the Big Change fund so far:

  • £112,000 raised

  • £62,000 disbursed

  • 418 people helped

By working in partnership with charities and organisations providing frontline services for homeless people, the Big Change fund enables individuals to make long term positive changes towards ending homelessness. Here are 3 recent stories of how the fund has helped:

Did you know that a new shelter is about to open in Manchester? Our partner the Booth Centre is working with the shelter and applied to Big Change for 12 furniture packs. Importantly, this furniture will now belong to the person and they can then take it with them when they are able to progress to move-on accommodation.

Footwear is so important to people rough sleeping; reports of trench foot is high within this group of people.  We should not be seeing trench foot in this day and age. Big Change regularly funds footwear for people to ensure their footwear is suitable and fits. £12 can make a big difference.

Another Partner Barnabus, managed to secure accommodation in Rochdale for 3 people. Big Change funded the bus tickets for them to get to their new homes.


The volunteer co-chairs of Big Change are Mooch & Eleanor. They work tirelessly across Manchester raising awareness of homelessness and fundraising for Big Change. We are delighted to announce that Mooch is now sponsored by Allied London for the work he does, and he’ll be working with his sidekick at Riverside.  If your business or organisation would like to know more about Big Change, perhaps a presentation to a group of people, Mooch & Eleanor are willing: phone 0345 1122211 or email bigchange@streetsupport.net.

Mooch & Eleanor


Expert Partner organisations work directly with people experiencing homelessness and apply to Big Change to fund what is needed to help in each individual situation. We’d like to welcome 3 new Partners:


We are constantly inspired by people fundraising for Big Change. One story that we found very moving was a legacy for Lizzie Nee who cared passionately about homelessness in Manchester. Thank you to Murray, Cath, Joe and all those who have donated.

In memory of Lizzie Nee


Finally, Big Thanks go out to Dinosaur, a creative communications company. They’ve given their time and skills to produce an amazing video to help promote Big Change, see here:

Big Thanks too to the sexy legend that is Guy Garvey.


Big Change is helping an increasing number of people experiencing homelessness in Manchester.

Big Change is helping those people through more Partner organisations who are now listed to access the fund.

Can you help spread the word about Big Change so we can do more in our city by sharing this new video or blog? Thanks.

Find out more and donate via BigChangeMCR.co.uk
