Running for BIG CHANGE

Manchester Half Marathon – Big Change Manchester Sunday 14th October 2018

Inspired by the work of the Manchester Homeless Partnership and Street Support, staff from Manchester City Council’s Rough Sleepers Team are running the Manchester Half Marathon to raise money for Big Change.

Big Change provides practical support to  people who are currently homeless and people who have recently been homeless by paying for items that are most needed. From a pair of new boots or a deposit for a home, to new clothing and travel costs for job interviews and training courses. From furniture and white goods to toiletries, carpets and mobile phones. There isn’t a lengthy application process and funds can be issued almost immediately by referring homeless organisations. (Read more about Big Change and a link to the latest Big Change update.

Street Support is a network of Manchester charities, organisations and voluntary sector agencies who have come together to address the issue of homelessness in the city. With everyone working together, our aim is to provide sustainable, long-term solutions to end this crisis.

Can you help us reach our £10,000 target for Big Change. Please visit our JustGiving page. Any amount you can donate really makes a difference to people’s lives. We look forward to seeing you!!!

It’s going to be a great day raising funds to help Big Change continue doing great things! See you at the starting line!
