World Suicide Prevention Day – 10th September

It’s World Suicide Prevention Day! 💚

Did you know that homeless people are 6x more likely to take their own life than the rest of the general population? 💔

The Homeless Hub write, “There is no single-handed solution to reduce the rates of suicide and depression among those experiencing homelessness.
Yet, it is essential to strengthen systems that support youth, families and communities including clinical, outreach and community programs, along with coordinating policies targeting mental health, housing, income, and employment.”

We (BCHA, Faithworks Wessex, BCARS, The Big Issue Dorset & Hampshire, Citizens Advice Bournemouth & Poole, Shelter, YMCA Bournemouth, Hope for Food, Bournemouth Foodbank, HOPE AOK Rucksack Appeal) are all working together to end homelessness!

For more information on these topics visit: World Health Organization (WHO), World Suicide Prevention Day ;, International Association for Suicide Prevention, World Federation for Mental Health. 

Start a conversation and potentially save a life today!

If you are struggling with any of the issues mentioned please contact The Samaritans or similar support networks.