With the media very much focused on people sleeping rough, perhaps it’s worth being reminded of a population that is mainly ‘hidden’ from the public eye. People who are frequently not accounted for in official statistics and have little or no support. These are people living in Unsupported Temporary Accommodation (UTA’s) – people who are homeless and hidden.
The absence of housing options during times of personal crisis means that many single homeless adults are driven towards the most dreadful corners of the English housing market, forced to live in bed-and-breakfast accommodation, private hostels and short-stay houses in multiple occupation (UTA’s).
The physical and social conditions in these dwellings are often appalling. There is limited statutory control over who is placed or directed to the accommodation, and enforcement activity on the conditions of dwellings and quality of the management is often found wanting.
This group of hidden homeless households and individuals, their plight and housing, largely go unseen and undocumented.
Justlife is focused on those closest to a life on the streets – encouraging and actively supporting a healthier, safer lifestyle. Justlife Manchester works to ensure people’s experience in unsupported temporary accommodation is short, safe and healthy as possible.
They provide one-to-one keywork support, activities, workshops and referrals to empower adults, (housed in unsupported temporary accommodation, homeless B&Bs), to move towards employment, independent living and improved health and well-being.
To find out more about the incredible work Justife do helping individuals and households who may otherwise be ignored or forgotten, read more here
If you would like to get involved Justlife would love to hear from you! Find out more here:
For more information please read:
Nowhere Fast.
The Journey In and Out of Unsupported Temporary Accommodation.Thanks for your time