Please find links to covid-19 funding support for charities. This is a live document. Please let us know if you hear of any other funding/support sources we can add to this list. Apologies in advance for any duplication.


Salford Crisis Fund – COVID-19
A responsive fund offering VCSE organisations grants of up to £500 to help address immediate need arising from the coronavirus crisis.

Covid-19 Response Grants Programme (CHESHIRE)
For grants typically up to £2000.It is open for applications from charitable organisations supporting the ongoing needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable people affected by the covid-19 outbreak, to ensure that their health and wellbeing is maintained.

Community Foundation for Merseyside (LIVERPOOL)
Grants of up to £5,000 for voluntary, community and faith organisations, registered charities, social businesses, churches, PTAs and parish/town councils.

Forever Manchester: (MANCHESTER)

A Community Support Fund for grassroot community groups that are responding to the impact of Covid-19 by helping those most affected. Awards of up to £1,000 are available.

We Love MCR Covid-19 Community Response Grant: (MANCHESTER) Constituted groups and organisations can apply to this fund for £500 – £3000 for the items, equipment or supplies they need to support their communities in this difficult time.
Completed application forms to welovemcrcharity@manchester.gov.uk

LATEST: ESF Community Grants
The ESF Community Grant Programme is already helping many people in Greater Manchester who face additional barriers in the workplace to improve their employability and gain employment.

UPDATED: Coronavirus Community Support Fund: This new funding stream makes available £200m in Government funding that will be aimed primarily at small to medium organisations in England.


Crisis Fund (UK):
A grants programme which supports local homelessness organisations across the UK

Charities Aid Foundation (UK):
To help smaller charitable organisations in the UK affected by the impact of Covid-19. Grants of up to £10,000 are available.

Springboard Community Fund – Salix Homes (UK):
Community fund programme that offers cash injections to much needed local groups and community initiatives.

National Emergencies Trust (UK):

The National Emergencies Trust (NET) is launching a fundraising appeal to help those most affected by the recent coronavirus outbreak.

National Grants (MULTIPLE – UK):

The John Lewis Partnership has announced a £1m fund to support local communities. Get in touch with your local Waitrose store as staff are deciding on how best to distribute funding locally. www.johnlewispartnership.co.uk/media/press/y2020/jlp-announces-new-measures-to-support-customers.html

Indigo Trust pledges new grant fund (UK):

Neighbourly Community Fund (UK): A series of micro-grants of up to £400 for good causes that are helping communities affected by the new Coronavirus outbreak – currently only accepting applications from existing Neighbourly members.

Morrisons Foundation (UK): Morrisons Foundation Trustees have pledged £500,000 towards the Homeless Support Fund.  The fund is designed to support charities caring for the homeless during the coronavirus outbreak and ensure help gets to those who need it most.

LATEST: Food Charities Grant Fund
Apply for a grant of up to £100,000 for your charity helping people affected by coronavirus

100+ Charity Emergency Funders
(Updated 31 March)

Details and links to emergency funding for charities – UK wide, UK country, regional, local and global, Government financial support, specialist funding and platforms.

Update 08/04/30
Toolkit 8 – COVID19 Funder List from Charity Excellence Framework (CEF)

Regularly updated. The latest will be in the CEF system itself. Please register here to access it.

Funding sources (Compiled by Manchester Community Central) Updated 14/05/20

Regularly updated. Available as PDF and in multiple languages. Many thanks to Stuart at Manchester Community Central for putting this together: https://www.manchestercommunitycentral.org/funding-sources

APOLOGIES FOR ANY DUPLICATION. If you hear of any more funding support available, please let us know and we’ll add to this list.

Thanks as ever, for your time and continued support.