

Please find links to covid-19 funding support for charities. This is a live document. Please let us know if you hear of any other funding/support sources we can add to this list. Apologies in advance for any duplication. NATIONAL Crisis Fund (UK): A grants programme which supports local homelessness organisations across the UK Charities […]


Please find links to covid-19 funding support for charities. This is a live document. Please let us know if you hear of any other funding/support sources we can add to this list. Apologies in advance for any duplication. REGIONAL Salford Crisis Fund – COVID-19 A responsive fund offering VCSE organisations grants of up to […]

Migration and Destitution Fund

The Destitute Migrants’ Relief Fund This much needed fund provides a crisis grant of up to £80 per month to destitute non-EEA migrants who have no recourse to public funds. This Fund is operated by the Migration & Destitution Action Group who formed under Manchester Homelessness Partnership. The Action Group includes members with experience of […]

Donna’s Story.

An interview with Donna, who supports Bradford’s homeless population by taking out food and helping them get places in hostels and supported housing. This interview was conducted by Johna for Recovery Radio.   “We help anyone really, anyone who needs our help.”   So Donna, how did you get involved in feeding the homeless? I’ve […]