Volunteers needed – Christmas Cafe

If you would like to help at Christmas there are opportunities to join the team at The Community Café based in Central Hall Southampton this Christmas on either Christmas day or Boxing day.

As well as opening over Christmas the café runs every week providing hot meals to anyone in need, serving 70-100 guests each week, including people who are homeless, vulnerably housed or lonely. The café aims to provide a safe and friendly environment where everyone is welcome and respected, regardless of beliefs, background or situation. The café is run entirely by volunteers, and has grown substantially since it started in 2007. It is entirely funded by New Community Church.

The coordinator Katrina Mack says “Our amazing volunteers enable us to host and serve our guests every Sunday of the year. Being able to serve a two course sit down meal once again, we are in need of more volunteers for Christmas and to join the rota.”

Volunteers are needed as :

‘Friendly faces’ – serving a meal to our guests and interacting with them
Kitchen helpers – helping with the preparation of a 2 course meal
Washer uppers – washing up of course

If you are interested please contact Katrina at communitycafe@newcommunity.org.uk