Hope into Action: Accommodation Available

Hope into Action: Black Country are a homeless charity who have been operating for 7 years and used to be a sub-division of Enterprises Homes Group. HIA parted in July this year and now HIA in the Black Country is led by MerylenPearce as the lead, supported by the head office in Peterborough.

HIA are delighted to share that they have accommodation available for men who are experiencing homelessness in Wolverhampton.

Hope into Action Black Country is one of 21 franchises across the country so if there is a person referred who would like to move location away from the area, HIA can make that happen with a simple referral to the head office, who then can communicate this to the 21 franchises across the network.

Accommodation in Wolverhampton is available in the following areas:

Park Village




All houses occupy men only.

To request a referral form for any prospective tenant, please email Merylen.Pearce@hopeintoaction.org.uk with your request,

How does the referral process work?

  • On receiving a referral form we meet the person to discuss their needs and explain / explore how HIA can help them. We never guarantee that someone has a place if we have voids. An assessment is always necessary first.
  • We then meet again, or on the same day / time as above do a risk assessment which gives us an understanding of the risk they may or may not pose. We have a scoring mechanism. The support HIA gives is managed by our Empowerment Workers, who also manage the church volunteers that support the tenants. These volunteers are called a friend with a purpose!
  • A strength and needs based assessment is done that recognises the strength base of the tenant, so we can work with them in the best way possible and bring out the best in them, working to their skills and abilities, this is often working with support from other agencies.
  • We have one refugee house and one room / place for a destitute asylum which is filled at present. We work with the Hope project to financially support a Destitute asylum until his case is heard to gain his status and receive a biometric card to become legal living in the UK.
  • This whole process from referral to move in can take from 4 days to 2 weeks. This depends on the availability of parties involved.

The acceptance of a tenant relies on:

  • They need to have a low to medium risk assessment
  • Able to claim benefits
  • ID. Bank card, driving license, proof of identity, with a picture, a biometric card.
  • Have a bank account, or be able to open one.
  • They need to have a fair standard of spoken English
  • They need to be willing and agree to engage with the services that we recognise they need support with. This may be AA, Recovery near you, voluntary work, training etc.