What Else Are You Going To Do On A Lovely Warm and Sunny Evening In Manchester?
Thursday 6pm May 29th 2018. An untypical weekday evening in Manchester. Sunny and warm, not a cloud in the sky. Whilst the good people of Manchester were sipping frosty beers in streetside cafes and bars or burning food on their back garden barbecues an altogether different and dedicated group of people were making their way to Code Computerlove for the monthly gathering to help improve the Street Support website.
As usual, Viv (co-founder of Street Support) kicks off proceedings. Everyone introduces themselves and all newbies are made to feel welcome. The assembled company is divided into three groups, namely UX designers, developers and comms. Bite-sized, manageable tasks are assigned to the groups and for the next 3 hours it’s a hive, (Manchester geddit?) of creative, instructive activity with lively chat and of course lots of fresh pizza. I even spotted a few packets of Haribo sweets, (other brands of sweets are available) and Minstrels. Although it has to be said, Charlotte, (our co-host) managed to deplete the Minstrel supplies quite considerably….
Come 8.45pm we all reconvene for a debrief and retrospective. What worked well, what could work better.
We can’t thank our fantastic volunteers enough for their time, skills and creativity. Without them we couldn’t keep the website up to date, fresh and working well. If you’d like to be part of the team constantly updating and improving the Street Support website and lend your expertise and a little time, we’d love to see you!
#EndHomelessness Digital Community Meet Up
As ever, a great big thank you to Code Computerlove for hosting us in their wonderful creative space. And the pizzas!