Safety. Respect. Support.

Manchester sets MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE STANDARDS for emergency accommodation for people sleeping rough

On Friday 30th August organisations from across Manchester came together to launch Manchester’s Emergency Accommodation Minimum Standards.

The launch marks the outcome of months of significant collaborative efforts of the groups and individuals who collectively form The Manchester Homelessness Partnership. The minimum standards and vision for 2022 are to ensure that Manchester has the highest possible standards for emergency accommodation to help people who are rough sleeping to make the choice to move inside.

Many organisations, including Manchester City Council have pledged their support; committing to the measures that will safeguard privacy, safety and dignity and provide the necessary support to ensure any stay in emergency accommodation is short. 

These standards have been drawn up with people who have experience of staying in emergency accommodation and people who provide and commission accommodation and support services.

“I’m pleased that so many organisations have pledged their support. These standards are important so that people like me can get the support they need. Hopefully they will make a big difference”.
Gary, Both Centre Volunteer.
Gary has recently spent time sleeping rough and has experience of emergency accommodation – he has offered the opportunity to be interviewed.

The aim is to ensure that all emergency accommodation which is provided in Manchester is of a suitable standard – provides people with a safe place to stay, where they are treated with dignity and respect and are helped to move on to supported or permanent accommodation with appropriate support.   

This is a significant step towards raising awareness of the challenges people face when trying to find suitable accommodation, and ensuring Manchester leads the way in providing people with the safe, secure and dignified surroundings that everyone deserves. 

Please follow the links to the resources:
Manchester’s Emergency Accommodation Minimum Standards
Manchester’s vision for Emergency Accommodation
Manchester’s Emergency Accommodation Information Pack

Watch the short film here


People who have experience of staying in emergency accommodation and people who provide and commission accommodation and support services talk about the new minimum standards and what it means for them. Watch the short film here:
Notes on Emergency Accommodation:
Emergency accommodation refers to accommodation that is provided to help ensure that people who are homeless do not have to sleep rough, including accommodation that is provided during periods of severe cold weather but excludes Bed and Breakfast or Unsupported Temporary Accommodation and regular Supported Accommodation or hostels which are covered by other regulations. Types of emergency accommodation are; single rooms with 24 hour access – this is the preferred accommodation type which we would like to be available for everyone who needs it, night shelters which provide shared accommodation without 24 hour access, ‘Sit Up’ accommodation which may provide a bed in a communal area of an existing supported accommodation provider and pods or shared rooms for 2 – 8 people with 24 hour access.