New contactless charity donation points have been installed across Southampton as part of the ‘Change the Way you Give’ campaign.
Two Saints, No Limits and Society of St James are the three local charities benefiting from the campaign, launched by the Street Support Action Group Southampton and funded by GO! Southampton to help support people sleeping rough in the city.
Street Support Action Group Southampton was formed in 2017 with a community-led approach to help make Southampton a city where no-one needs to sleep rough or beg. The Group is working with GO! Southampton to make sure money that is donated by Southampton’s visitors and residents reaches those who really need it.
The city’s Business Improvement District (BID), GO! Southampton, has funded the installation of the donation points in the hope that visitors and residents change the way they give to charities that support young people who need a place to stay and rough sleepers in the city. Rebecca Handley, deputy executive director, GO! Southampton said: “We’ve been working hard with the Street Support Action Group who provides support to homeless people in Southampton and share its vision to make the city a place where no-one needs to sleep rough or beg. We’re pleased to be launching the ‘Change the Way you Give’ campaign and urge Southampton’s visitors and residents to look out for the new contactless donation points and consider this as an alternative way of giving to a good cause.”
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