Centrepoint needs landlords to participate in its Rent Deposit Guarantee scheme.
Centrepoint are offering a new scheme to help prevent homelessness amongst 16 and 17 year olds in Manchester, helping landlords to fill vacancies quickly and free of charge.
Who is Centrepoint?
Centrepoint is a national charity providing over 2,000 homeless young people with accommodation and support they need.
What is the rent deposit guarantee scheme?
Through the scheme, a rent deposit guarantee agreement is issued to the landlord. This paper bond will be saved by young people in cash to pay the deposit back so that they own it and become independent. In the meantime the deposit agreement allows landlords to claim money for losses or damages as a result of a tenant’s actions.
The young people receive support from Centrepoint for the first six months of their tenancy. This scheme is a very important step towards providing young people with limited means to access the private rental market. We are now looking for landlords who are interested in signing up for our database.
Information for landlords
Centrepoint is now looking for landlords who are interested in signing up for their database. Property sizes could be from shared housing to 1-2 bedrooms in the Greater Manchester region. There is no commitment or obligation following the sign up. It just allows us to contact you if your properties match with a young person.
Benefits to landlords:
- Fill vacancies quickly and free of charge
- Help secure earlier payment of housing benefit
- Rent and damage guarantee
- Professional support
- Information on tenancy matters, tenancy agreements and an inventories
- Help a young person make an independent start in life
To take part in the scheme, you must:
- Ensure all properties meet basic requirements for fitness and safety
- Be willing to let to young people receiving benefits or on a low income
- Accept the RDGS guarantee on behalf of the tenant
- Work with RDGS staff to resolve any problems that may arise
- Inform RDGS before taking any action to end a tenancy
- Provide evidence of buy to let or mortgage free status
Find out more
For more information about the RDGS scheme, please contact Randa Abu Mugheisib:
- Email: r.abumugheisib@centrepoint.org
- Mobile: 07825658496
- Tel: 0161 228 7654
You can also read about how Centrepoint help young people to move on into accommodation here.