
A Quick Q&A: What does it mean to be intentionally homeless?

Why are people labelled ‘intentionally homeless’? And what help is available for those who are ‘intentionally homeless’?   “Being ‘intentionally homeless’ means not being eligible for long term accommodation or assistance from the council – the most they will provide is advice.”   Why does the council say I am “intentionally homeless”? There are a […]

Interview with Inn Churches

An interview with Dan Bushell of Inn Churches, who works as a Welfare Manager and Winter Shelter Coordinator. Inn Churches offers “practical support for those who need it most”, which includes a Winter Shelter, a Pay-As-You-Feel Cafe, and a ‘Warm Homes’ programme.   “It started as a winter shelter for homeless people but now we offer […]

Donna’s Story.

An interview with Donna, who supports Bradford’s homeless population by taking out food and helping them get places in hostels and supported housing. This interview was conducted by Johna for Recovery Radio.   “We help anyone really, anyone who needs our help.”   So Donna, how did you get involved in feeding the homeless? I’ve […]

Saving Wasted Food

Food bank usage is on the rise, and Bradford based organisations are determined to fight this by reducing the unnecessary waste of food.  The Trussell Trust – a nationwide organisation aiming to stop UK hunger – provided almost 1.2 million food parcels to people in crisis across the nation in the space of just 12 months; […]

Tryone’s Story

Tyrone was interviewed about his recovery by Johna Johnson for Recovery Radio, which can be found on BCB 106.6fm.   “I was homeless and I was just sick of it.”   What made you start your recovery and how did you begin? Well, to be honest, I was homeless and I was just sick of […]

Interview with Wellsprings Together.

Wellsprings together supports organisations in responding effectively to social issues in the community. Liz Firth is the organisation’s Development Worker and Cathy Henwood is the Feeding Bradford Development Worker.   “We’re all about bringing organisations together to share approaches and information, and help people move out of crisis and into a more stable, sustainable future.” […]

My Name is Johna Johnson.

An interview with Recovery Radio’s Johna Johnson about his story.   I’m a volunteer for Arch and have been for two years, and I am a co-facilitator at Unity.   I have been around services for over 30 years on and off mainly for mental health issues.   I have clashed with services at times, yet […]

What is Recovery Radio?

An Interview with Johna Johnson, who co-hosts Recovery Radio with Dominic Maddocks, which is broadcast on BCB Radio 106.6fm.   “The questions are designed to let people say what they want.”   What is the show about? Recovery Radio is a show about people who are in any kind of recovery from substance misuse, mental health, […]