The City Schools Art Competition that was held in Southampton was a huge success with the winners having their designs included as part of the Homeless Commemoration Service at Saint Mary’s Church on Wednesday November 1. There were many great entries making it a tough competition. Congratulations to our three winners, Amelia Szady from Oasis […]
Southampton Art Competition
Winter Beds 2023

The Project Headed by Street Support Southampton and Love Southampton, the Winter Beds Project aimed to provide a bed and warm space for those in need this cold winter. It had originally ended last month but has been brought back for another week ahead of the cold snap. This year it is being hosted at […]
Christmas Food Outlets

This year the voluntary services offering food will be open over the Christmas weekend. The Community Cafe becomes Christmas Cafe and are open on both Christmas day (13.00- 15.00) and Boxing day (16.30- 18.000. Also open on Boxing day (11 – 13.00) are both venues for Southampton Sunday Lunch Project at St Marks Institute, Victoria […]
Street Support Brighton deliver publicity packages

A big thank you to key network partners, Holland Road Baptist Church who have delivered over 100 packages to projects and organisations that are part of the Street Support Network in Brighton & Hove. All network members now have publicity to give out to service uses and to alert other support workers to the website […]
Brighton & Hove becomes the first city in the UK to adopt the Homeless Bill of Rights.

At a meeting of full council on 25th March 2021 Brighton and Hove City Council voted to adopt the Homeless Bill of Rights. The bid to get the local authority to adopt the Homeless Bill of Rights in the City was launched by Brighton & Hove Housing Coalition, FEANTSA* and the human rights organization, Just […]
Social Media Students work – The Journey

Two student groups worked with Street Support Action Southampton to produce two different videos as part of their final year studies at Solent University which are now available to see. The two groups took different approaches, one created a short animated film called The Journey, which aims to spread awareness of homelessness and encourage charitable […]
Winter Update -Southampton

Throughout the Covid pandemic the council and its partners have provided extra support and access to emergency accommodation to people who have been found rough sleeping in the city. This continues to be the case but as winter progresses it is even more important that we do all we can to help. We’ve put together […]
Policy proposals from the Legislative Theatre event on 30th September

On Wednesday 30th September, 112 people from frontline support staff, GMCA officers and elected officials, advocates and neighbours to people with experience of homelessness attended and participated in the first Greater Manchester Legislative Theatre on Multiple Disadvantage. It was an interactive on-line event where community members worked together with policymakers to generate, debate and negotiate […]
“We want definition, certainty, some kind of future security.”

Last week we hosted 2 online events on zoom for Greater Manchester Homelessness Action Network (GMHAN) asking 2 key questions and hearing back from different perspectives. We don’t believe our current various complex issues can be solved without including these different perspectives and finding ways ahead that work for all. As positive news lands of […]

See below for key information and updates from GMHAN including information about the next round of the GM Mayor’s charity funding, GMHAN co-design calls for integrating feedback from frontline services, update on the donation distribution process, and sharing positive news. Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity The Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity is making an open call for […]