The West Midlands Combined Authority Rough Sleeping Initiative seeks to add value and complementary outcomes to the work of our Local Authority and wider partners. To build upon the good work established in recent years, we are delighted to share details about our new regional training programme. This exciting training offer is not open to […]
WMCA Rough Sleeping Initiative Regional Training Programme 2023-24
SIFA Fireside remodels Support Centre for people experiencing homelessness in Birmingham.
SIFA Fireside, the Birmingham homelessness charity, has remodelled its support services in response to the changing needs of people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Birmingham. As always, homeless and vulnerably housed adults over the age of 25 will all be welcome at SIFA Fireside’s Support Centre: individuals who are rough sleeping or in […]
Good Shepherd announces new partnership community project in Wolverhampton
The Good Shepherd and Wolves Foundation have teamed up with the City of Wolverhampton Council to unveil plans for a ground-breaking new project at the historic Queen’s Building in the city centre. The project will offer residents a venue offering a community shop with a difference, a café complete with charging points to stay connected […]
New project launches in Wolverhampton to combat bed poverty
The cost of living crisis has revealed how hundreds of children and their parents often don’t even have a bed to sleep in at night. But today the Good Night Project is being launched in the city to try and end this situation and ensure everyone has a bed of their own, where they can get a […]
New centre to support city’s vulnerable people officially named in memory of former councillor
The vacant Council owned city centre building, Bond House, in Bond Street, is now known as Peter Bilson House following an official ceremony at the centre attended by the Mayor of Wolverhampton Councillor Sandra Samuels OBE, City of Wolverhampton Council councillors and senior officers, and city homelessness partners. Son James and wife Audrey, daughter Emma […]
Black Country Women’s Aid to deliver domestic abuse support in the Borough
Sandwell has announced news of a five year contract with Black Country Women’s Aid (BCWA). Sandwell Council recently awarded a five year contract worth over £2m to BCWA to deliver safe accommodation and support services for victims of domestic abuse. Longer term funding will provide some stability and assurance to the continuation of these services which offer […]
CEO Attends House Of Lords Reception
Good Shepherd CEO Tom Hayden was delighted to be invited to attend a parliamentary reception with Homeless Link at the House of Lords, to mark the tenth anniversary of the StreetLink initiative. StreetLink is a website, mobile app and phone service which enables people to send an alert when they see someone sleeping rough to […]
Women’s Homelessness Involvement Group (WHIG) Monthly Memo February 2023
Welcome to the February edition of WHIG’s Monthly Memo. This is the place to get updates on events, services, and things we think may be useful to women experiencing or at risk of homelessness. If you would like to share something here, please email International Women’s Day is fast approaching on 8th March. This […]
Street Support Launches in West Midlands
Following huge successes in other cities across the country, Street Support West Midlands has now been launched and is already rapidly becoming the key live portal for accurate up‐to‐date information for people experiencing homelessness and for support workers working to help meet people’s needs. Street Support West Midlands is continually updated by the city’s key […]
Compassionate City – A call for action!
In March 2022, Birmingham was recognised for the compassion its communities had shown in the way they had supported each other during some of the most difficult times, by being crowned the UK’s first Compassionate City. Accredited by Compassionate Communities UK, the key to gaining this recognition was bringing together all areas of the local community, […]