I Feel Part of Society – Simon Community Scotland

Our Street Support partner, Simon Community Scotland is becoming synonymous with Digital Inclusion.  Through their most recent Get Connected project, 500 people accessing homelessness services were connected to the digital world through the Get Connected model. The results from this are presented in this smashing report, ‘I Feel Part of Society’ – its name taken […]

Homelessness and Gambling Harm Toolkit – free resources

My name is Lauren and I am the Policy and Practice Lead for Gambling Harm at Simon Community. I have been researching gambling harm within our services for the past 14 months and working with organisations across the UK to share learning on how to support people experiencing gambling harm.  Last year, we were funded […]

Stories of Support – Get Connected 100

Have we been going on about Digital Inclusion loads recently? Yes. Do we sound like a broken record? We hope not. Is it because the more people we talk to and the more initiatives we hear about, the more we realise how absolutely crucial it is to those experiencing homelessness in a million different ways? […]

Edinburgh Uni’s Research & Evaluation of Street Support Edinburgh

Street Support Network works online and offline, connecting and supporting local people and organisations to tackle homelessness. Our vision is a citizen-led network, where people with personal insight into homelessness, decision makers and people with resources co-create effective solutions together. Our website is a central place for people experiencing homelessness to Find Help and members of the public to Give Help. We also […]

How the Wellbeing Centre run by The Salvation Army adapted to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated unprecedented changes in the way that services are delivered to individuals experiencing homelessness and problem substance use. The aim of this novel qualitative study was to document how one service in Scotland, the Wellbeing Centre run by The Salvation Army, adapted in response. The start of the pandemic was a […]

Street Support Network Launches in Edinburgh!

We are delighted to launch Street Support Edinburgh, a website (and App) that brings together people and organisations locally to tackle homelessness in Edinburgh. More than 30 organisations in Edinburgh have teamed up to launch Street Support Edinburgh this January. Street Support Edinburgh website is a central place online to find out about homelessness, see […]

5 Ways We Tackled Homelessness in Edinburgh Under COVID-19 Lockdown

On the 23rd March 2020 Scotland went into lockdown. The COVID-19 pandemic presented everyone with one of the greatest challenges we’ve ever faced in post-war Britain. For people experiencing homelessness the challenge was even greater. Having nowhere to self-isolate meant more risk of becoming ill with the virus or spreading it. The services people relied […]

Empty Kitchens, Full Hearts provide 250,000 meals to Edinburgh’s vulnerable residents

Leith-based Community Interest Company, Empty Kitchens, Full Hearts has provided over 250,000 fresh, healthy meals to people in Edinburgh during the Covid-19 pandemic. Founded in April as a direct response to the coronavirus crisis, Empty Kitchens, Full Hearts provides safe access to healthy food for local residents who would otherwise go hungry. They rescue surplus […]

Partnership working to end homelessness together in Edinburgh

We are proud of our famous city for the historical castle that dominates the skyline, an international arts festival attracting millions of visitors every summer and many hills with sweeping views. It is fantastic to live in such a vibrant place and yet Edinburgh is also a city that lacks affordable housing and leaves some […]