New ‘Families’ section launched on the Street Support Network website for Greater Manchester

At the start of 2020, emphasis focused on people sleeping rough in Greater Manchester prompted us to look at how homelessness affects families. The Shared Health Foundation Gold Standard report estimated that: 2,742 children were living in temporary accommodation in Greater Manchester; Two years is considered an average ‘temporary’ placement; The number of homeless families […]

GMHAN Legislative Theatre – Funding and Commissioning

With one week to go till the second event in the GM Legislative Theatre / Homelessness Prevention Strategy process, the facilitation team is working hard and staying flexible, as we’ve all had to do throughout 2020. In the beginning of November, we set out to create a second play with a new cast of GM […]

Private Rented Sector Eviction Prevention

On Thursday 12th November, 65 people ranging from frontline staff, GMCA officers, elected officials and reps from communities of identity attended and participated in the Private Rented Sector Eviction Prevention Event. The Event had been organised to raise awareness of the current ‘risk of homelessness’ threat in Greater Manchester amongst frontline teams working in the […]


The Migrant Destitution Fund GM supports destitute migrants in Greater Manchester who are not entitled to work or access state benefits. After reopening in April 2020, the Fund has been a lifeline throughout the Covid crisis to those forced into destitution because of where they come from. From fresh food to phone credit and data, […]

Policy proposals from the Legislative Theatre event on 30th September

On Wednesday 30th September, 112 people from frontline support staff, GMCA officers and elected officials, advocates and neighbours to people with experience of homelessness attended and participated in the first Greater Manchester Legislative Theatre on Multiple Disadvantage. It was an interactive on-line event where community members worked together with policymakers to generate, debate and negotiate […]

Greater Manchester Against Evictions

Greater Manchester Against Evictions; Protest Against the Stay in Evictions – Monday 24th August 2020 @ 1pm The Government promised to do whatever it takes to support people through the Covid19 crisis. The stay on evictions is being lifted on the 23rd August with no real legal protection in place for renters that have lost […]

GMHAN Building Back Better – Your Input and Support Needed

As we stand in this time of ongoing uncertainty, with amazing work being done to respond to people’s individual needs with great care and ingenuity, and hotels closing and support services struggling to survive, we are more determined than ever that ‘Build back better’ means something tangible and real and towards the kind of region […]

Homeless Families – Call to Action

This week Shared Health Foundation have released a call to action for Greater Manchester’s Local Authorities, Health and Social Care Partnership, GMCA and political leaders. There is an absence of discussion and detail about the impact of Covid-19 on families who are homeless. We are gravely concerned about this ‘hidden homeless’ population, for whom the […]

Introducing GM Legislative Theatre – meet the team

Creative policy change on homelessness with GMHAN and GMCA. Greater Manchester Homelessness Action Network (GMHAN) is thrilled to announce that the upcoming GM Homelessness Prevention Strategy will be co-produced in 2020 and beyond, using a creative and participatory policy-making strategy called Legislative Theatre. This community-led process is the result of a collaborative effort by the […]