
Caversham Road Modular Housing, Reading Gives 40 Rough Sleepers a Home This Christmas

40 people who have previously been sleeping rough will enjoy Christmas in their own homes this year thanks to the completion of the Reading Borough Council’s innovative modular homes development on Caversham Road.    The Council’s partner, homeless charity St Mungo’s will provide 24/7 wraparound intensive support for residents, helping with any issues that they may experience. Residents are also encouraged […]

More than ever, it’s important that details on the website are up to date

Perhaps more than ever, it’s important that there is visibility of all services available to people in need. The team in Reading have updated each organisation’s record on the website to reflect operation hours during the pandemic and over the winter period. We encourage you to do the same for your location so we can […]

Reading – Guide for community groups offering Coronavirus support services

Guide for community groups offering Coronavirus support services Thank you to all the community groups and charities in Reading, who are adapting their services and providing invaluable, additional support and services during this time. It really has been inspirational to see local social action. Your group may now be offering those who are self-isolating the […]

Alana House’s 10th Birthday Celebrations

An inspirational service to celebrate International Women’s Day and 10 years of Alana House women’s community project was held in Reading on Sunday 8th March. The unique service at Reading Minster saw performances by Reading Community Gospel Choir and soloist Nichole Grace and readings and prayers from some of the charity’s supporters and women supported […]

About CommuniCare – Reading

What We Do We are a charity providing information, advice and support to anyone in need. We aim to support people in understanding and navigating everyday services that they need to access to enable them to live better lives. We deal with a huge range of issues including helping with benefits checking, welfare rights, form […]

Hoarding Disorder’s UK – New support and advice group launching in Reading

Compulsive hoarding is a recognised mental health disorder and is marked by an obsessive need to acquire and keep things, even if the items are worthless, hazardous or unsanitary. There can be many triggers for why someone starts hoarding, including living in poverty for a period of time, grief, loss of a partner or breakdown of […]

St Mungo’s – 10 years of helping people sleeping rough.

Our outreach teams go out early in the morning and late at night, following up referrals from members of the public via StreetLink and from other local organisations who’ve told us they’re concerned about someone sleeping rough. Some of those people might be newly rough sleeping and we talk to them, see what options there […]

Homelessness and rough sleeping. What Reading is doing.

At Reading’s Housing, Neighbourhoods and Leisure Committee on 3rd July, Reading’s Homelessness Partnerships Team provided a ‘whistle-stop’ summary to Council Members of all their current and future projects to keep them up to date with the services and provisions in Reading that support people who are sleeping rough and people at risk of homelessness. The […]

Number of people sleeping rough in Reading falls

The number of people sleeping rough in Reading has fallen in a year but still remains a huge issue, council bosses and charities say. An annual count of rough sleepers by Reading Borough Council found 25 people sleeping on the streets in November 2018. This is a fall from the 31 recorded in the same month in 2017. […]