Homelessness, in all its forms, is increasing across the UK, with the situation now at crisis point. Manchester needs a unique solution from all sectors (voluntary, statutory, and business) putting the voices and knowledge of people with experience of homelessness at the forefront. Manchester is fast becoming becoming a model for other cities around the […]
How Businesses Can Step Up
Artist Now In Residence
A beautiful sunny lunchtime in Manchester. It seems to happen quite regularly these days, touch wood. Mooch from The Big Change and Graham from Street Support are heading to Chorlton to see Steph and Becky at Reach Out To The Community. Reach Out To The Community is a shop and community hub in which raises […]
Organised Kindness
“This piece was inspired by a trip to Manchester with the ever growing Homeless population. The way the general public engaged with, respected and accepted homeless people as part of Manchester and how Manchester had adapted and embraced ALL its population regardless of whether they lived on the streets or had a roof to sleep […]
Listening To The Voices of Experience
People with experience of being homeless met to discuss the current homelessness situation in Manchester The first meeting of people with direct experience of homelessness in Manchester took place at the Mustard Tree, May 24th. The meeting was well attended and a rich and lively discussion followed, covering a variety of topics some of which are currently […]
How are we doing? Street Support Network survey results.
Street Support Network. What We’re Doing, Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going We’d like to share with you the findings of a recent survey we undertook to evaluate what Street Support Network are doing well, areas where there is room for improvement, and how we intend to move forward. The survey was developed and […]
The Army of Kind People.
On Tuesday, approximately 130 representatives from various faith groups attended the Greater Manchester Homelessness Faith Sector Summit to work together to tackle homelessness in Greater Manchester. Faith groups in attendance represented all ten GM boroughs who worked together towards agreeing collective action. The event was hosted by the Methodist Central Building and took place in […]
Developers and Digital Creatives needed
Tuesday March 27th at Code Computerlove in Manchester We’re looking for developers, UX designers, marketing gurus and community helpers to make improvements to our website and further develop this unique network of organisations, voluntary groups and kind-hearted folk who work together to try and make homelessness in Manchester, a thing of the past. We try […]
Young People & Homelessness: Collaboration and Action.
Last Wednesday we hosted a conversation with young people who are experiencing homelessness and front line workers from a range of services across Greater Manchester. One of the primary objectives was to discuss how we might build stronger relationships & make space for conversation between young people and front line services in Greater Manchester. We […]
An Opportunity To Get Involved
Manchester Homelessness Partnership – Open Space Event Monday 5th March, Central Methodist Hall, Manchester We are happy to share news of a new open space event for Manchester Homelessness Partnership (MHP). This is an opportunity to get involved in MHP and join our collective mission to End Homelessness in Manchester. We welcome people with lived experience of […]
New fund for destitute migrants
A new fund for destitute migrants is being trialled in Manchester. People across Manchester who are unable to access state welfare, especially migrants who have been refused asylum, are set to receive well-needed extra support thanks to a new fund set-up by the Manchester Homeless Partnership (MHP) ‘Migration and Destitution’ Action Group. The MHP action […]